BenchMark Performance Audit>Water Pollution Series - Inorganic
RP2800 - Phenolics
 Cat. #PricePT FormPackagingInstructionsMSDS
RP2800$42.00Whole Volume---
AnalytesNo analytes found ...
Analytical Methods Covered
Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, manual.Phenols by Direct Photometric Method
Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, manual.Phenols Distillation
Phenolics, Total Recoverable by Automated SpectrophotometerPhenols by Manual Spectrophotometric Procedure
Phenolics, Total Recoverable by Automated SpectrophotometerPhenols by 4-Aminoantipyrene Method
Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, MBTH.Phenolics by Flow Injection Analysis
Phenolics, Total Recoverable by Semi-Automated ColorimetryPhenol in Drinking and Surface Waters, Domestic and Industrial Wastes
Phenolics (Colorimetric, Automated 4-AAP with Distillation)Phenolics - Spectrophotometric, manual.
Phenolics (Spectrophotometric, MBTH with Distillation) 
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