PT NOW Quick Turn Audit>Water Pollution Series - Inorganic
NP2150 - Low Level Total Residual Chlorine
 Cat. #PricePT FormPackagingInstructionsMSDS
NP2150$60.00Concentrated5 ml Amber Glass Ampule-
Sample AnalytesUnitsNELAC Range
Residual Chlorine, Low Level
ug/L50 - 250
Sample AnalytesUnitsNELAC Range
Residual Chlorine, Low Levelug/L50 - 250
Analytical Methods Covered
Chlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric MethodChlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method II
Total Residual Chlorine by Pour-Thru Cell and OriFlo™ FiltrationChlorine by Iodometric Method IIChlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method II
Chlorine by Iodometric Electrode TechniqueChlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method II
Chlorine by Low-Level Amperometric Titration MethodChlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method II
Chlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric MethodFree and Total Chlorine in Drinking Water by Palintest ChloroSense
Chlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric MethodLow Level Chlorine
Chlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric MethodTotal Residual Chlorine
Chlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric MethodChlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric Method
Chlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric MethodResidual Chlorine - DPD kit or DPD spec.
Chlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric MethodChlorine (Residual) by Low-Level Amperometric Titration
Chlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method IIChlorine (Residual) by Amperometric Titration
Chlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method IIChlorine (Residual) by DPD Colorimetric Method
Chlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method IIChlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method I
Chlorine (Residual) by Iodometric Method IIChlorine, Total
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